Martin Lightjockey

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Generic Control

Channel Configuration(right click on generic -> Define Fixture Profile) - here you can change the channel caption, I always change to the dmx number instead of the CH1-6. It is easier for me to find my way around generics when I use Level control.

Generic DMX Control(on the top 'Generics') - you will only have access to Generic DMX Control when you have generic patch in. The purpose for this is to have a better view and access to all the generic fixtures.

First of all, keep in mind that the numbering which shows on Generic DMX Control is viewed by DMX channel. Say the dimmerpack is from 1-6 and patching to the LJ Universe 2, the numbering will be 513- 518. Remember to take note, otherwise it will be very confusing for there's a large amount of channels.

Grid size (Preferences -> Grid Preference -> Grid size) - this adjusts the grid size for the generic view. You can adjust the window size to be smaller and make H-Size to fit 6 generics if you're using 6x6 pars.

Creating Groups (right-click on the empty column below group) - the usual easy access for a group of red pars or stripelight channels. (Maximum 32 groups only.)

Add generics to groups - With the generics selected, hold SHIFT right-click on the group select 'Add Selected to Group'. ('Set Group to Selected ' work as replaced group with the new selected generics, 'Add Selected to Group' can be used as a merge.)

Absolute/Relative - Absolute will change all generic intensity at the same level. Relative will change like 1-50%, 2-20%, 3-70% when you add 20%. It will be 1-70%, 2-40%, 3-90%.

Shortcut keys - PageUp = increase 10%. PageDown = decrease 10%. Home = @100%. End = @0%. (Keep note that the button will only work when there's no hotkey assigned to it.)

Combination keys - '##' = select all channels. (##@50 ENTER = set all channel set to 50% intensity. Or ## F ENTER = turn off all channels..) '@@' = will set all channels to a value (@@50 ENTER = set all channel to 50% intensity.)

Recall - pressing 'Recall' will re-enter the previous command line.

Hide channels (Options -> Hide selected Channels or Show All Channels) - you can hide the selected channels that you don't want to use and show them by clicking on the 'Show All Channels.' I don't usually use this much. But if you want to see all of the blue pars, this would be a good feature for you. (Once the channels are hidden, it will show how many channels that have been hidden on the top of the Generic DMX Control window bar.)

'Empty Command Clears Selection' ( under Keyboard Preference) - With this enabled, pressing enter on the command line when it is empty will de-select all generics.

Using numpad for selection - the numpad works very much the same for most theatre-style console. For selecting channels - 1/5-3 ENTER = select channels 1 through 5 excluding channel 3.

Adding channels to current selection - by using '+' you can add channels to the current selection. Also by using '-' you can exclude the channels from the current selection. Example : +10/25-16/20 = this will add channels from 10 through 25, excluding channels 16 through 20. (10,11,12,13,14,15,21,22,23,24,25 will be added to the current selection.) Another example : - 2/10+4/5 = de-select channel 2 through 10 except 4 and 5 from the current selection.

Using Off/Snap/Fade - use ' O ' for off, 'F' for fade & 'S' for snap. Example : 1/10 'F' ENTER = this will call channel 1 through 10 set to fade. 2/5-3 'O' ENTER = this will turn off channel 2 through 5 excluding 3. (Note that the O,F,S doesn't need to be in capital letters to work.) (Using Off/Snap/Fade will automatically select the channel too.)

Selecting groups with numpad - use the symbol '#' as group no. like #5+#6 ENTER = select group 5 and 6. And #1/3 ENTER = for group 1 through 3. Note that using through with groups, you don't have to type in '#' repetitively. (For full size keyboard, the '.' on the numpad will act as '#'.)

Setting Intensity level with numpad - as usual for theatre-style console, 1+2@100% = channel 1 and 2 set to intensity 100%. To increase intensity use @+, decrease use @-. Example @-50 ENTER = decrease 50% intensity, @+50 ENTER = increase 50% intensity. (For full size keyboard, the '*' will act as '@'.)
