Martin Lightjockey

           [  Pre-setting  -  Programming  -  Generic control  -  Effects  -  Hotkeys  -  Playback  ]


All advanced lighting console comes with an 'Effect Engine' or 'Effect Generator'. In short, most programmers call it 'EFX'. Lightjockey also has a powerful EFX engine called the 'Generic Macro Editor'.

Generally, besides running macro on the Generic Macro Editor you can also run it on the Cue control which we can save & load from cuelist. I also call this 'QC-Macro'.

Generic Macro Editor (press on the Cue Control) - the way it works is by putting a macro shape into a selected channel from the fixture. Once you select a fixture, you will see the entire list of channel on the Editor view. Select a channel, then click on any shape (under built-in shapes list) to apply onto it. By default, the applied shape doesn't run. Not unless you edit the 'Pos Amplitude, Neg Amplitude & Cycle time' under the 'Parameters section. For a better understanding, it works just like the 'Movement Macro'.

There are 3 sections ( ) -
A) Parameter - is for controlling Pos Amplitude, Neg Amplitude, Time Cycle & the most commonly used is 'Direction' of the shape. So you can create a mirror effect by using opposite direction. ( = left, = right, = bounce.) 'Restart macro on Cue load' - as you can save a macro to load along with a cuelist. If you're running a complex macro that needs to have a matched timing, make sure to enable it to restart the macro when loading cue. 'Macro Parameter Update' - this stops the shape to be running, so you can prevent the macro from running in the beginning. I don't really use this much; not unless I'm doing some live-programming. 'Macro Base Value' - this runs the shape starting from value point that you have set for the channel.

B) Delays - here you can set the delay of shapes between fixtures, tick on 'Auto-apply delays' and it will automatically apply delays for shapes. Alternately, you can set on 'Delay (selectted offsets)'. Such as, enter 2000 ENTER, pressing '=0' will turn off the delay back to '0' point where all channel will run at the same speed. (To use 'Delay (Selected offsets)', you must first de-activate 'Auto-apply delays'.)

C) Delay Order - it is pretty obvious that this section is to change the order of channel for the delay to run through. 'Circular & Segment Groups Count' will work only when 'Auto Delay Style is set to either 'Circular or Segments' and this works for 'Auto-apply delays' only. It is very similiar to the 'Pan/Tilt Macro Auto Delay'.

Remember that the Editor will only select the latest selected type of fixtures and one type at once. You can see what type of fixtures and how many are selected. It can be seen right below the channel list of the editor.

'Clear Macro on Editor Close' (Preference of Editor) - this is very important. If you want EFX to stop running when you close the Editor, make sure you enable this setting.

'Tracks Ofs & Track Fixt' -
Track Ofs = tracks channel between selected fixtures on the Blue panel box.
Track Fix = tracks channel within the master fixture.

'Macro Out & Fixture Out' - this is basically 2 different view modes.
Macro Out = mainly displays the macro shape entirely on the panel.
Fixture Out - mainly used for displaying fixtures on the panel.

'Restart Macro & Disable Macro' -
Restart Macro - you can restart macro again to match beats.
Disable Macro - act as a pause button to stop all macro from running. This also includes stopping 'Cue Macro'.

The rest of the Editor buttons are very logical to understand such as the 'New Macro, Select all, De-select all etc'. There is no need to explain more about it except there are to 2 methods to load macro.

'Load Macro' - once clicked, you will see a window of 'Macro list'. Press 'Preferences' you will see 'Browse to Editor' and 'Browse to Cue' -
A) Browse to Editor = this loads macro directly to the Editor. Thus, overwrites everything previously on the Edit.

B) Browse to Cue = this loads macro to Cue Control, nother method to load macro to Cue Control is to drag & drop from the macro list into the blank space on the the bottom right of the Cue Control. (Note that macro running from Cue Control can be override from Editor.)

Disable Cue Macro ( on Cue Control) - this works the same way as the 'Disable Macro' from the Editor. The difference is that it only works for disabling the Macro from the Cue Control. Take note that this doesn't effect the Editor.

Saving Macro to Cuelist - load the macro into the blank space on the bottom of Cue Control ( ), then save cuelist like usual.
